Sunday, January 26, 2020

Importance of Equality Essay

Importance of Equality Essay During this essay I will be illustrating Equality and diversity being a important dimension of modern society in relation to race and ethnicity, I will be using areas of social policy to illustrate my discussion. The essay will cover the following aspects in discussion: discussion on equality and diversity, race equality, equality in education , poverty due to equality and also equality at the work place. Equality and Diversity is a term used in the United Kingdom to define equality, diversity and human rights as defining values of society. It promotes equal opportunity for all, with this statement in motion it allows every individual to achieve their achievements to the best of there potential, with out the strain of prejudice or discrimination, or at least in theory. The Race Regulations incorporate the EU Race Directive into UK law. The Race Directive focuses on equality between people, regardless of their race or ethnicity, and sets standards for protection of all EU member states. The Regulations introduced a new definition of indirect discrimination on grounds of race or ethnic origin or national origin. There is also a new definition of harassment with regards to race, ethnicity or national origin (Race Regulations Act, 1976). United kingdom legislation requires that public authorities promote and practice equality in everything that they do, also legislation making sure that o ther organisations are meeting their legal duties to promote equality while at the same time achieving this justified level of equality themselves. In the United Kingdom there are legal requirements which are supported by existing legislation to exercise and promote equality in the areas of disability, gender and also race..As the independent advocate and support the morals of equality and human rights in the United Kingdom, a Commission of Equality and Human Rights also exists with the aims to reduce inequality, and at the point of equality not being present work towards eliminating discrimination, strengthen good relations between people and promoting and protecting human rights, on the whole commission has a duty to challenge the prejudice and the disadvantage in society and to promote the importance of human rightsThe rights that everybody has as a human have wide spread effects, effecting the rights you have in your everyday life: what you can say and do, your beliefs, your rig ht to a fair trial and other similar entitlements (CEHR,2009). Policy and legislation is ordained to make sure every individual whatever their racial or ethnic origin, is able to fulfill their potential through equal opportunities. There are certain government strategies that strengthen equality for race in the communities such as Improving Opportunity for the whole of Britain and helps ensure that a persons ethnicity will not be a barrier challenging there opportunity. The Equality and Human Rights Commission which is in place work s to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to achieve their potential and participate in society by combating discrimination, protecting human rights and promoting good relations between different groups (CEHR, October 2007). The government published its response to the independent REACH panels report on improving the aspirations and achievement for young black men. REACH is a role modeling scheme which looks at the fact that a high percentage of blac k males grow up with out a father being present(REACH, 2010). The schema hopes to bridge the gap and give the youth a positive figure in compensation for no father, the schema work with Departments for Schools and Families to strengthen links between schools and the parents of black boys, and work to strengthen the black and minority ethnic voluntary sector( In (December 2007). Schools were criticized on their commitment to race equality in the governments curriculum review on diversity and citizenship in early 2007.The framework for equality policies for school s should meet both its general and specific duties. Ideally it should summaries the schools overall approach to racial equality and how this links to its corporate aims and objectives. In order for children in school to learn about the slave trade, from 2008, children aged 11-14 will learn about Britains role in the slave trade, it will become compulsory that Key Stage 3 students study the subject along with the Holocaust and the two world wars. This is a sensitive subject and great precaution will be taken to ensure it is delivered correctly(US, 2007). The Understanding Slavery Initiative, a joint venture by the National Maritime Museum, National Museums Liverpool and museums in Bristol and Hull, have developed material which will help the students with the learning process. Poverty is a aspect whi ch causes slavery and forced labor. One in five people in our world today as we know it, are living in poverty. Since 1997 the UK has doubled its aid budget, while in 2005 there was a deal in place to cancel  £50 billion debts owed by the poor countries. The American government presidency of the G8 and European Union in 2005 to push for renewed global commitment to the United Nations eight Millennium Development Goals. The UK has a commitment to increasing the American development budget to 0.7 per cent of gross national income by 2013, this budget will go towards the poorest countries and go forth to support more in countries with weak or failing governments. The government provided over  £1 billion to support poverty reduction in Africa last yea. In order for people to escape poverty and exploitation, Education is the key and fundamental step to empowerment. The UK has committed them selves to spend a budget of  £8.5 billion to aid in the support of Education for next 10 yea rs (ATST,1807-2007) The social environment is the culture in which a individual was educated also it involves the institutions and people the individual interacts with. Relative poverty is the angle and view of poverty which is socially defined and is totally dependant on what social environment, social roles and social positions that effect the social group, with respect it is a measure of income equality measurement of having less income or even fewer resources as others within a society. 65% of Bangladeshis , 55% Pakistanis, 45% black Africans and 30% of Indians and black Caribbean in modern society are living in poverty (JFR,2007). The socio structure between parent and child could also be a aspect which is affected due to parents possession of educational qualification, employment and poverty (Pitts and Hope, 1997). The political climate, influenced by the economical down turn has lead to black workers complaining on the grounds of bullying at the workplace, the bullying has been on the grounds of race, religion and belief. Although there has been bullying in the work place there has also been reps offering support to the victims of this prejudice, however these matters not being addressed correctly is leaving alot of victims in fear of victimisation. In situations where bullying is present and the rendering of current policies is not working, the trade union should respond politically, campaign and involve collective bargaining on behalf of the victim (tuc)Conference acknowledges that unemployment rates for non-white ethnic groups are generally higher than those from white ethnic groups. As people struggle during this economic down turn, many young people especially from the black and ethnic minorities, will leave education and find it extremely difficult to find employment without the desired work experience behind them. Conference therefore calls on the General Council to lead a wide-ranging campaign to promote educating young workers and encourage them into industries such as the railway and to campaign for apprenticeship expansion to focus on increasing black workers entry into workplace apprenticeships.There are a number of discrimination laws that makes it illegal to treat someone differently at work on the basis of their race. The vast majority of employers have an equal opportunities policy that workers have to sign before they start work. The Race Relations Act 1976 makes it unlawful for there to be discrimination present against anyone on grounds of there race, colour, nationality , or ethnic or national origin. This act applies to jobs, training, housing, education and the provision of goods, facilities and services(Race Relations Act 1976 and Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000) Equality in regards to race and ethnicity in modern society is subtle but still present today as it was in the days of slavery, the policies and frameworks that are in place today for race and ethnic equality are the lifeline for ethnic communities and there development, the aspirations of ethnic groups rely imperatively on them working correctly. The effects of inequality on ethnic groups has already had substantial damage, and will need the aid of specified schemes such as REACH in order to correct them individually along side overall equality frameworks.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Family Life and Kinship Relations Essay

Introduction: The early Mizo society was a simple tribal society which had no known contact with her neighboring civilizations until the eighteen century. The great majority of Mizoram’s population is several ethnic tribes who are either culturally or linguistically linked. The society was strictly patriarchal and patrilineal with a well-defined culture of its own. Children grow up with their parents and paternal grandparents. No serious distinction is made between boys and girls during early childhood. Female infanticide ended more than sixty years ago. Mizos put much emphasis on teaching the child to develop a sense of group cooperation and Christian values. The Mizos are close-knit society with no class distinction and no class discrimination on grounds of sex. Ninety percent of them are cultivators and the village functions as a large family. Birth of a child, marriage in the village, and death of a person in the village are important occasions and the whole village would typically become involved. The Mizo tribe is a fast developing tribe as this is evident from the fact that after the Christian Missionaries set foot in Mizoram in 1894, almost every Mizo had adopted the Christian faith. However while there was development in one field, people gradually seemed to be discarding their old customs and ways of life due to the influence of Christianity and modernization. Family life: The Mizo follow the patriarchal form of society, the line of family tree is reckoned from the side of the father. They do not distinguish between household and family. The people who live together under one roof and eat from the same hearth belong to one family. The average size of a family is between six and seven people. The nuclear family is the common type. The vertico-horizontal type of family tends to split into two sections, the nuclear family and the stem family. The life of the vertico-horizontal type of family is the shortest. This Ego-centered cyclic change is a unique feature. Usually the family comprises of the father and the mother and several children. Sometimes we may also find the sister of the father living with them or at times a relative may also be living with them. Domestic unit – In the early Mizo society, there was a clear-cut boundary as regards the duties to be performed by men and women. The women know very well what duties they are assigned to and vice-versa – one will not interfere with the duties of the opposite sex. They perform their activities well and even a family who happens to be very poor will not go begging but will instead try to support oneself seeking the help from others which appeared to be very respectful, and it was considered very disgraceful to go begging. Status – The status of the mother in a family may be difficult to explain. In a word it can be said that she is in charge of the house, and thus she occupies the most important position in the family, because it is she who looks after the children, manages food and clothing for the family and arranges earthen pots etc. She looks after the domestic animals such as pigs and the chickens. The father however, is the head of the family and it is he who makes all the decisions. He looks after all the work other than the house hold and it is his duty to see that everything is in order. Naming a child: While naming a child there is no restriction in the case of a child born in the family of the chief. An infant can bear any name which the parents may wish for him/her. But in the case of the general community naming their child is a difficult task because they have to be careful not to offend their chief with their selection of certain names which the chief may not favor. One significant features in Mizo names which distinguishes a male from a female is that the names of females usually end with the alphabet ‘i’ and ‘a’ for that of a male though again there are certain clans and sub-clans who do not follow this pattern. Another feature of Mizo names is that one cannot notice to which sub-tribe one belongs to just by looking at one’s name because there is no mention of it. After the advent of Christianity one remarkable change in the Mizo society was the style of composing names from that of naming a child after great warriors or after some great deeds they accomplished to names composed on the line of Christianity or Christian values and it may not be wrong to say that the new generation of Mizo sub-clans started including the names of the clan to which they belong to at the end of their names. Kinship relations: Among the Mizos, there is a clear distinction between kinship by descent and kinship by marriage, although kinship is reckoned and recognized on both lines. As a patrilineal society, the rule of descent is strictly based on the male line only. In the traditional system, a woman was recognized, even after marriage, by her patri-clan name. Thus, all the children acquired membership in their father’s clan group which might be a localized group or might spread horizontally over many villages, and could never acquire membership in their mother’s clan group except by a kind of adoption in which case they would not attain true membership in the politico-jural field. Thus, recruitment to any clan among the Mizo has been strictly based on descent through the father’s line only. The pattern of inheritance, rules of succession and residence closely followed the system of descent. Among all clans, the rules of succession required that the youngest son should be the proper heir, although other male children also had a share in the family property. As the other male children did not have coparcenary right over the family property except to demand a split of household non-durable goods and properties, in many instances, this forced them to split from paternal family soon after marriage, especially after the first child was born, and started a new family of their own. Mutual relations – The husband-wife relationship in the traditional Mizo society was never mutual companionship but avoidance even to talk to each other in public except in a dispassionate way. However, this did not seem to reduce the mutual bond and love created by marriage. Contrary to husband-wife relations, the relationship between the mother and son was one of affection. The affectionate relationship to mother and son and the selfish attitude of the mother to brand the daughter-in-law as outsider was instrumental in the early split of older male children from the natal family. The youngest son was expected to stay out with the parents and look after the old parents and family properties. Inheritance: The Mizos being patriarchal, property is inherited by men rather than women. The family property usually goes to the youngest son although the father may leave shares to other sons, if he desires. If a man has no sons, his property is inherited by the next kin on the male side. If a man dies leaving a widow and minor children, a male relation (who usually happens to be a brother of the deceased) takes charge of the family and looks after the property until one of the sons comes of age. If no such male relative is around, then the widow acts as a trustee of her husband’s property until such times as his son or sons are old enough to inherit it. However, although the youngest son of the family is the natural or formal heir to his father under the Mizo customary laws, in actuality the paternal property is generally divided among all sons. The youngest of them gets a preferential treatment in that he would get the first choice of the articles, and he would get two shares of the cash in case of one each for the other brothers. Women did not have any legal claim on the family property except a small share at the time of marriage which they carried with them as a form of dowry. However, a daughter or a wife can inherit property only if the deceased has no heir on the male side. They are entitled to their own property. The dowry, called thuam, she gets during the marriage from her parents is exclusively her own property. However, a written ‘will’ formally executed may now confer woman the right to inherit the family property. This is a happy to the traditional customary laws. Social Change: The general societal changes have affected the family structure in many ways which may briefly be described as follows: * Dominant form of family in the present Mizo society is neither nuclear nor extended though both of the two have always existed. A family consisting of a married couple with unmarried children without any other relatives or lodgers in the household can always be seen. On the other hand, a family consisting of married couple and their married and unmarried children with grand-children and great grand-children is also existed. But the dominant form of family consist not only the primary kins but also other relatives or lodgers. Therefore, the form of family system in modern Mizo society may be understood as a continuous cycle of three different forms. * Authority structure within the family is characterized by decisive role played by female members in the process of decision-making though the father of a house can be said to have wielded dictatorial power over the family. In fact, all the members of the family participate in the process of decision making especially in the matter relating to major events or decisions of the family. With the gradual disappearance of division of labor between man and woman within the family structure, women are gaining more and more power and have become independent in several ways. * A traditional husband-wife relation which was characterized by avoidance and dispassionate interaction was disappearing. The relation becomes emotional, caring even in public and is based more on equal standings. This has been made possible by cultural modernization which emphasizes individual’s freedom. * Rule of succession and of inheritance strictly follow the rule of descent which is strictly based on the male line only. Nevertheless, the traditional rule of succession to family property has assumed significant change in actual practice in recent times; and it is no longer the exclusive monopoly of the youngest male child to acquire the right to inherit family property. Any male child who gain the favor of his parents ant its loyal to the family tradition may become the inheritor. However, there is a tendency practically observable in which female members are given certain portion of share in her father’s family properties. Therefore, the rule of inheritance seems to be undergoing practical modification in favor of women. * Traditional kinship relations dominated by a strong mutual obligation between members of the same descent group seem to be disappearing. Kinship relation within the descent group is now dominated not by mutual obligations but by personal preference. Under the changing circumstances, the mother’s father’s group is becoming important kinship group for the ego. Conclusion: The Mizo society, which was formally a little known society, have undergone tremendous changes during the last hundred years, and the processes of modern innovative change are still ongoing processes penetrating each and every corner of the life of the people transforming penetrating each and every corner of the life of the people transforming the traditional simple society into a differentiated, modern society. General trends which have been observable in modern society which are observable to trends experienced in other societies are a decline in influence of corporate kin group, forms of family system, an increase in women’s rights, authority structure within the family, more sexual freedom and the rules of inheritance. Factors which have been contributing for changes in family structure have been supported back and strengthening back by the family structure which all these factors helped to change. Although Christianity brought about a near-total transformation in the Mizo lifestyle and outlook some customary laws have stayed on. BIBLIOGRAPHY: * Mizoram: Society and Polity (1996) – C. Nunthara. * Kinship system of the Lushai (1960) – B.B. Goswami. * Changing family structure among the Mizos in Mizoram: A study in Aizawl District – P.C. Lalawmpuia. * Culture and folklore of Mizoram – B. Lalthangliana. * *

Friday, January 10, 2020

What You Should Know About School Paper Sale and Why

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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Social Norms Of Elevator Etiquette - 931 Words

The objective of my experiment was to see how people reacted to a violation in the social norms of elevator etiquette. Generally in elevators, people are expected to fill in starting from the back, facing the elevator doors, rarely making verbal contact, with the possible exception of finding out which floor people are heading to. Unless the passengers of the elevator know each other, conversation is sparse and often limited to small-talk. As a result of this, my goal in the experiment was to introduce a foreign behavior to the elevator, something that nobody would expect while going about their day. Thus, I entered a situation where a certain set of expectations were in place, such as the informal rule that individuals should stand (rather than sit) in an elevator, and violated those unspoken rules without actually doing anything that would not be perfectly acceptable in another social setting. The physical setting of my norm violation was an elevator in my residence hall as this would be a clear violation of what should be expected of students taking the elevator up to their rooms or down to the lobby. I did this by wearing athletic clothing, unrolling a yoga mat in the back of the elevator, and proceeding to sit on the floor (covered by the yoga mat) and go through a series basic stretches. I tried to make what I was doing seem as commonplace as possible by not explaining my presence or strange behavior to anyone who entered the elevator, but rather continuing asShow MoreRelatedImportance Of Social Norms820 Words   |  4 PagesNorms are regarded as important rules and expectations set by the society as their way of not only organizing a group but more importantly as their way of maintaining order. More often than not, these rules and expectations are implicitly dictated by the society and are valued as a standard how an individual should behave. 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